A moving portrait of a dedicated father, as well as a searing probe of the early days of the opioid crisis, The Pharmacist is a rare crime documentary with a happy ending — Dr. Jacqueline Cleggett, who prescribed over 180,000 pills, had her medical license revoked, and Purdue Pharma was...
Three Days to Live (Oxygen, 2017) is an American documentary true crime television series. Using reconstructions, the show chronicles harrowing kidnapping cases and the tense work of law enforcement officers working to save the victims. Premiered: 2017 Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 83 The...
Now with a part two, this groundbreaking six-part documentary will literally make your jaw drop to the floor. The story delves into the strange history of real estate heir Robert Durst, who was long suspected in the 1982 disappearance of his wife, as well as subsequent murders of family fri...
Best true crime on Netflix, including docuseries, documentaries, true crime podcasts, true crime shows, true crime books, true crime movies, & more
The result is a documentary that deals deftly with the wonder of nostalgia and the dangers of getting stuck in the past. —K.P. How to watch: My Old School is available for purchase on Apple. 11. Catfish It's the eye-popping documentary that birthed a new definition in true crime ...
Documentary, Crime Created by Franckie Williams, Romaine Chapman Watch on Netflix With five seasons under its belt, each case chronicled in this true crime docuseries is more compelling than the last. Hailing from the U.K.,I Am A Killertells the stories of convicted killers, but from a uni...
19 Sins Of Our Mother (2022) View full post on Youtube Length: 3 episodes, 50 minutes each Lori Vallow was known as a devoted mother of three, a loving wife, and a woman of God. Now, Lori is in prison for murdering her two youngest children. In this documentary, Lori’s surviving...
The Best New True Crime TV Shows of 2023 Where is Cathi Bedy Now? Where is Kyle Kowalski Now? The Curious Case of Natalia Grace Season 2 Updates Where's Jack Kowalski From Take Care of Maya Now? Where is Maya Kowalski Now? Where is Josh Duggar's Wife, Anna, Now?
Unsolved Mysteriesremains one of the go-to documentary crime series, debuting decades before the true crime boom of the 2010s. Narrated by the iconic deep-voicedRobert Stack, the series explored the unexplainable, covering missing persons, cold cases, and even paranormal activity. With so many ...
The Best New True Crime TV Shows of 2023 Where is Cathi Bedy Now? Where is Kyle Kowalski Now? The Curious Case of Natalia Grace Season 2 Updates Where's Jack Kowalski From Take Care of Maya Now? Where is Maya Kowalski Now? Where is Josh Duggar's Wife, Anna, Now?