Master Yi,Jinx,Braum,Dr.Mundo,Akali,Yasuo,Singed,Jax,Darius,Kennen,Tristana,Varus,Ashe,Lulu,Miss FortuneandBlitzcrank. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on this guide of Teemo.
BestBuildMaker2012 Rank:User Rep:None (0) Status:Offline Recent Activity Guides, Discussions, & Media Blog Favorites More About Me BuildsVideosThreadsQuestionsTier ListsTeam Comps Mobafire Build GuidesLast Update|Last Comment Best Darius Build 2012Created:Aug 14th, 2012Last updated onAug 14th, 2012...
However, unlike Jinx, Tristana is an ADC that can be played in a much riskier style as she leaps straight into the action with Rocket Jump which will reset on a fully charged Explosive Charge or on a takedown (kill or assist). That reset also allows Tristana to go for risky all-ins t...
Tristanaor Corkilead to desperation for Twitchplayers. Learn from Pros how theycounter pick Twitch. In regards torunes for Twitchyou can see that Precisionand Sorceryare the rune paths, which are preferred by Pros. FAQ for Twitch Probuilds ...
14% Ban Rate All Yasuo skins Take a look at the best Yasuo skins in League of Legends. Other thancounters for Yasuoa skin is only for the aesthetics. Therefore keep learninghow to build Yasuo. An Ionian of deep resolve, Yasuo is an agile swordsman who wields the air itself against his...
A Yasuo probuild is best suited to counter Tristana, to counter LeBlanc or to counter Qiyana on the opposing team. With Yasuo and the available probuilds, it is possible to minimize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. On the other hand, Annie, Malzahar or Vex lead to desperation...