Without treatment, people with Strep throat can pass on the bacteria to others for one to two weeks after symptoms appear. The best way to prevent infection is to wash your hands often and always before eating or after being in contact with an infected person. Do not share utensils, linen...
Bacterial sore throats tend to come on quickly and are more likely to affect children aged between five and fifteen rather than adults. A type of bacteria calledStreptococcus pyrogenes(often referred to as aStrep Throat) is the most common cause of bacterial sore throats. People living in ove...
Looking for the best sewing machines on the market? After spending 42 hours researching 56 sewing machines and testing eight finalists, we've found the top 10 best sewing machines for making clothes. The sewing machines have versatility and quality that
Despite this fact, many children continue to receive antibiotics unnecessarily for the treatment of viral upper respiratory tract infections. Why do American physicians continue to prescribe inappropriately given the high social stakes of this action? The answer appears to lie in the fundamentally social...
Some bacteria produce toxins, which are deadly chemicals that damage cells and make people sick. Some bacteria actually invade and cause extreme tissue damage, resulting in infections like strep throat, urinary tract infections, and many others. For this reason, keeping bacteria at bay is important...
People with suppressed or compromised immune systems, e.g., who are undergoing cancer treatment, are HIV-positive, or who take immunosuppressants (medicines that lower immunity) Young children, pregnant women, and people above 60 years People who have not been vaccinated ...
Inverse psoriasis occurs in the armpits, under the breasts, and in skin folds around the groin, buttocks, and genitals. Guttate (“drop like”) psoriasis usually affects children and young adults. Typically it begins after a sore throat (e.g. Strep throat) with many small, red, scaly spot...
Respiratory infections are infections of the respiratory tract caused by a variety of viruses or bacteria. Common examples include the common cold, sinusitis, strep throat, and bronchitis. Oral probiotics may reduce the risk of respiratory infections, particularly in children. ...
The onset of diabetes in children is acute or sub-acute. The history of illness varies from a few hours to a few weeks. The course of the disease may be so rapid that sometimes the child gets medical treatment for the first time only after coma has developed. The main symptoms of diabe...
Guttate psoriasis is the second most common form and is primarily seen in children and young adults. It looks like small red and scaly dots on the torso, arms, legs and scalp. Guttate psoriasis can be triggered by a strep infection. Nail Psoriasis Nail psoriasis can affect fingernails and ...