Food Allergies: Common Triggers and Effective Treatment Options in 2023-2024 Seasonal Allergies: How to Identify and Manage Common Triggers Understanding Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis What Is A Food Sensitivity Test? What Causes Allergic Reactions On Skin? What Are Immunologists? Typ...
As for essential oils, while I use products with essential oils on my son and myself, I know that some people are allergic to essential oils. Visit my post for the list of essential oils and other chemicals to avoid during pregnancy. Here are the severe diaper rash treatment products in...
Amoxicillin rash: When should I be concerned? From 5% to 10% of children will develop a rash from amoxicillin after taking it, which in most cases, is considered a side effect of amoxicillin and not an allergic rash. But in a small number of cases, the rash will be a sign of an all...
I am 43yo and have suffered for 20 YEARS with this dermatitis curse! Like all the others, the prescription meds were but a band-aid to a much larger problem. I was elated to find this page. In the past the only treatment the doctors and I could manage was phototherapy, but just anot...
In most cases, the best treatment for a urinary tract infection (UTI) is a course of antibiotics. Which antibiotics are prescribed depend on the type of bacteria responsible.
Most often, the disease develops due to the long exposure to the body of such allergic substances: animal wool; smoke - tobacco, from fireworks and other; flavored substances; dust pollen of plants and others. The main treatment tactic in this case is the adoption of antihistamines. They are...
Urticaria, also called hives or ‘nettle rash’, refers to raised, elevated, itchy bumps (wheals also called welts) on the skin surface that results from an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Hives can be accompanied by burning, and stinging pain. ...
herpes simplex including cold sores, increased blood level of creatinine phosphokinase, dizziness, urinary tract infection, tiredness, acne, vomiting, mouth and throat pain, flu, stomach flu, bacterial skin infection, high blood pressure, allergic skin r...
One of the biggest problems seen with Poodles is dry, itchy skin. If not properly treated, this can quickly spiral into more severe issues such as sores, hot spots, and even thinning coat. If a Poodle is having a strong allergic reaction, there can also be localized swelling. There are...
Rash or dry skin Brownish discoloration Foul-smelling pus oozing from your skin Possible infection Redness or swelling of the surrounding skin Worsening pain Fever These symptoms indicate a need toseek medical treatmentquickly to reduce the chance of long-term consequences. Your New York City doctor ...