The terms "broker" and "agent" are often used interchangeably by many people when talking about real estate, but they're not the same. The basic difference is an agent helps people buy or sell real estate for a commission. So does a broker, but the difference is they're licensed to op...
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Number of Employees: 640 Earning a spot on this list in seven of the past eight years, the Fort Collins–based brewers who bring us Fat Tire have mastered the art of on-the-job happiness. Free beer helps, but true work satisfaction stems from the fact th...
Location:Carbondale, Colorado What they do:Digital agency for travel and tourism Number of employees:49 Average salary:$71,916 Vacation time:12 vacation days after one year. Perks:Bluetent sponsors a weekly HIIT class led by a private instructor and tailored to individual skill levels, as well ...