In her small-town high school in Texas, the popular and gorgeous cheerleader Starla Grady (Jane McGregor) has everything going for her. When her family decides to host French foreign exchange student Genevieve Le Plouff (Piper Perabo), Starla shows her around and introduces her to the...
A plus-size teenager whose mother is a former beauty queen signs up for the Miss Teen Bluebonnet pageant as a protest, but her actions soon take on a life of their own in her tiny Texas town. This content is imported from youTube. You may be able to find the same content in another...
Quaint villages outside New York City and Florida boating towns are among the best small towns for retirees, Stacker found from
Knowing when to step out of the workforce can be tricky. Here are some signs that you are ready. Maryalene LaPonsieNov. 27, 2024 Social Security Benefits When You Die Here's what happens to your Social Security benefits after you die. ...
Workers Raise Big Tex For 2021 As State Fair Of Texas Set To Kick Off September 24 The the 2021 State Fair of Texas kicks off soon but Big Tex — Fair Park's favorite cowboy — is all dressed up and taking his rightful place Friday. Sep 17, 2021 Three Towns In Texas Make Mone...
Over 2K TV viewers have voted on the 80+ shows on Greatest TV Shows About Small Towns. Current Top 3: Hart of Dixie, Gilmore Girls, Superman & Lois
Retirees yearning for warm weather will find it in Orlando, where the beach is just an hour’s drive away. Seniors can hunt shells at the shore, snorkel, swim with the manatees or take a boat tour in the Everglades. Florida's overall cost of living may be lower than other regions of...
2024 is expected to see a big jump in home sales. But are buyers investing in the right cities and towns? Here's a list of the best cities to invest in real estate in the US in 2024. The property markets in Texas, North Carolina, Washington, and other st
Before you get too focused on cities such asAustin, and others in Texas, for many of you, these cities below remind you of those that are affordable, livable, and able to thrive in the next 5 years. Overall, the changes expected should create a very hothousing market in the next 5 ye...
A popular community for retirees in Texas, Bunker Hill Village has some very pricey real estate. According to Niche, the median home value is just under $1.5 million. Nearly 100% of the residents own their homes, as well. The majority of the population is between 45 and 65+, and 32% ...