You can download any torrent file using this torrent app for Android. However, to remove advertisements and other features like download priority, proxy support, etc, you need to pay $1.99, which in my opinion makes little sense. You can try this client in the free version, which works ...
NZB is an XML-based file format designed for retrieving posts from USENET servers. Using an NZB file, users can find the exact posts (among the billions of other posts) on USENET to access. The easiest way to think of NZB files is with this analogy: if .torrent files are to Torrent, ...
If there is one Docker container that you need to put behind a secureVPN, then that would be your torrent client. Be sure to check out ourDocker Gluetun VPN Killswitchguide. RecommendedVPN provider:SurfsharkVPN(just $2.45 per month) with Wireguard support. qBittorrent Docker-Compose can be ...
Exatorrent Exatorrent is BitTorrent Client written in Go. It can be run locally on your Synology NAS. Exatorrent is simple yet feature-rich. It is lightweight and light on resources. It comes with Beautiful Responsive Web Client written in Svelte and Typescript. Exatorrent can operate in Opt...