Topteny magazine is your go-to source for top 10 lists on a variety of topics, from entertainment to travel to technology. Vote on the best and worst things and get your daily dose of interesting facts and trivia.
All Lists Newest Add List For You Log InJoin All Top Ten ListsPeoplePoliticians and Leaders Best World Leaders The Top Ten Narendra Modi (India) Narendra Damodardas Modi (born September 17, 1950) is the 15th and current Prime Minister of India, in office since May 26, 2014. A leader of...
All Lists Newest Add List For You Log InJoin All Top Ten ListsBooks Best Franz Kafka Books The Top Ten The Metamorphosis The Trial In the Penal Colony The Castle A Hunger Artist Letter to His Father A Country Doctor Amerika 0 Letters to Milena The Burrow BAdd New Item Featured Popular ...
(I’m fairly certain I submitted a top ten for 2005 to the annual Village Voice Film Poll, but sadly that publication no longer exists either.) These top ten lists are now preserved here on ScreenCrush, at least until someone else takes over and wipes its archive....
Discover hundreds of entertaining, creepy, and unexpected top-ten lists updated every week. Visit our website for an addictive dose of trivia.
The OWASP Top Ten are the ten biggest threats to web application security. An attacker might try to find vulnerabilities in these ten lists. That person who broke in might be watching you constantly to find new security vulnerabilities and risks. ...
More Top 10 Lists Top 10 Pot Racks When it comes to pot racks, be they ceiling-mounted or wall-mounted, you want sturdiness, durability, and enough space to hold lots of pots, pans, and kitchen utensils. Some of the main factors we considered while compiling our top 10 list included:...
Here are Latest TOP Ten Technology trends around world. Updated lists of everything in Technology, Technological items and futuristic products.
The list below shows our calculated ratings for the top ten tire brands in the industry. 4.9of 5 #1. Michelin Michelin is the world's top tire manufacturer and leads the industry in innovation and trust. As our top Golden Wrench winner for Best Tire Brand, Michelin has a trusted track re...
ROGER EBERT’S TOP TEN FILMS OF THE 1980s 10.HOUSE OF GAMES There is in all of us a fascination for the inside dope, for the methods of the confidence game, for the secrets of a magic trick. But there is an eternal gulf between the shark and the mark, between the con man and hi...