Over 1K fans have voted on the 40+ people on Best Professional LoL Players In The World, Ranked. Current Top 3: Faker, Uzi, Deft
These are ADC players whose names have become immortal due to the mark they left in the LoL esports despite retiring many years ago. They are worth mentioning because a lot of the players in this list were inspired by their greatness. Additionally, there is no doubt that if they’re still...
輕鬆通關。【帥1秒】 10:53 【英雄聯盟】全新模式,超爽超好玩,沒打過LOL也能玩。百獸特攻隊、魔獸成群。【帥1秒】 13:04 【英雄聯盟】新PVE魔獸成群 保姆級入門教學 讓你爽爽過關卡農金幣 關卡攻略 百獸特攻隊 - League of Legends 11:51 Week 3 TOP 5 2024 PCS Summer Split 03:42 【2024 LPL夏季赛】...
Since October 2009, League of Legends has captivated millions of players. The top players come together to compete and these seven are the best of the best.
While he wasn't particularly good at these games, he eventually became a PC gamer and started playing Maplestory and Warcraft 3 (like many of the world's top professional LoL players). Despite the popular belief young yet-to-be Faker didn't spend a lot of time playing DotA, which back...
Over 1K fans have voted on the 40+ people on Best 'Rocket League' Players, Ranked. Current Top 3: jstn, SquishyMuffinz, GarrettG
Here we are in a role where people just wish to be alone and left to do their own thing. That thing is pushing the top lane so far up somewhere where the sun doesn’t shine and win the game. Most top laners will do that, especially in low elo because people do not care about te...
laners, and helping support the other star players on his team. When he wasn't winning the lane as Ornn, he was breaking the meta on Lulu, Kennen, and other creative picks. He was one of the best players in the entire Worlds tournament, and he was certainly the best top in the...
Best champions to use inLoLArena Taric There is probably no better support than Taric in Arena. Image via Riot Games Taric is currently one of the strongest picks inLoLArenadue to his versatility. By having crowd control, heal, and the ultimate to make him and his ally invincible in a fe...
Leona is what LoL players would call an ‘engage support’. These are generally champions that can close the distance between you and the enemy very quickly; they can take a lot of punishment and are there to enable the rest of the team. Being a support can sometimes be a thankless task...