There are a few top laners who make for perfect picks regardless of the meta, and Aatrox is one of them. This bruiser is superb in numerous situations, including one-versus-one skirmishes, split-pushing, and teamfighting. Nevertheless, navigating him properly and carrying the game with Aatrox...
Aptly nicknamed Demacia’s Wings, Quinn is one of the most difficult ranged top laners to deal with and boasts the fastest mobility out of all the champions in LoL. She can reach one side of the map to the other in literal seconds, granting her a powerful escape tool, insane global pres...
[Top 15] LoL Best Champions for Low ELO (Every Role) Best Top Laners for Low ELO: 15-Malphite (Top Lane) “Beware, minions of chaos! The Shard of the Monolith has come.” Checkout Malphite in action: (Daveyx3 Gameplay) A massive creat...
Great mid laners can effectively roam into other lanes while keeping good pressure on their mid-lane opponent, and champions who excel at it are indispensable. This list of top-tier champions can change depending on several factors. Sometimes, the meta shifts for no reason other than players’...
in the LPL Spring Split, then first in the Summer Split, and finally making it all the way to the Worlds Semifinals before losing out to Suning. 369 won lanes he had no business winning, got kills he shouldn't have, and was overall one of the more impressive top laners around the...
Although a rookie, Gumayusi is already one of the best bot laners in LoL. The start of 2021 wasn’t that great for him, as he was considered the sub of Park “Teddy” Jin-seong, but with all the rotations T1 were making, Gumayusi racked up a decent number of games. ...
We have built a comprehensive list of best Lol streamers from the biggest Lol streams to the educational and most entertaining ones. Find yours.
S:Best bot laners in the meta right now A:Champions you can still blind and not get punished by counter matchups as much B:Strong champions under the right conditions C:Viable champions but need some degree of mastery D:Not recommended in the current patch ...
[Top 15] LoL Best Champions For Every Role Best Top Laners: 15-Garen (Top Lane) “This kingdom, and its people, have given me everything. What kind of man would I be if I gave any less in return?” Checkout Garen in action: (Dave...
Only one Western LoL pro makes Caedrel’s Worlds 2023 top players list Historically, my biases have favored top laners who could manage their own wave states. They absorb pressure by communicating well with their jungler to set up freezes or have the wave in position to crash if they ne...