top laner or even dare I say it bot lane. But if you’re playing someone who’s an assassin I highly encourage you to gank bot lane. You’ll get the easiest kills ever and most of the champions in this role can 1v9 the whole match and carry their dying team on their backs. ...
On a serious note, since Riot Games implemented two ranked seasons in one year, there isn’t a lot of time to mess around trying things. You need to be playing the strongest jungle champions to climb with, in order to get those sweet rewards. Well, you’ve come to the right place!
new items in the preseason. Whether you were disappointed with last season's rank, you want to climb higher than ever before, or if you're completely new to the game, the ranked grind is on. So if you want to beef up your champion pool to make sure you're ready, here are ...
Sejuani, the Winter's Wrath, reigns supreme in the realm of crowd control in League of Legends. As a formidable jungler and a viable top laner, she embodies the essence of a tank with unparalleled engage capabilities. Sejuani's kit is designed to dominate team fights, lock down key targets...
Now we have Jax the creature that uses a magic lamp to beat up people. Listen this guy has 3 fingers on each hand I have no damn idea what he is not to mention that he has 6 damn eyes. This guy might be a top laner but he’s also a really great early game jungler. ...
Oh, this option when disabled will take you from your low-elo bronze hell straight to platinum or diamond. You see, once all chat is disabled the enemy team won’t be able to trigger you when they kill you by writing “EZZZZ GG” or “LOL” or “Mad?” or “?”. These are the...
Kayle’s ultimate ability can also be used on teammates to stop them from doing dumb things and killing themselves Bondage king Also be sure to read! [Top 10] League of Legends Best Mid Laners [Top 10] League of Legends Best Top Laners ...