Baby (Ansel Elgort), the protagonist, is a skilled getaway driver with a unique rhythm - he coordinates his daring escapes to his personal soundtrack due to a childhood trauma-induced tinnitus. His life spins out of control when he falls for Debora (Lily James), a sweet-natured waitress,...
“Imagine if ‘Baby Driver’ was a tragic, music-free exploration of mental decay, and you might be able to start picturing the tensest robbery sequence in ‘Gazer.’ Just like Ansel Elgort’s tinnitus-inflicted getaway driver, Frankie (Ariella Mastroianni) needs to put her headphones in bef...
Do I have to see a doctor to have my hearing tested? You don’t need to see a doctor since there are many online hearing tests available. However, you still may want to consider seeing a professional, Sarow advises. “I have seen patients come into the clinic with moderate to severe ...
Tinnitus maskingto minimize ringing or buzzing sounds that people with tinnitus often hear. Some devices also allow you to make adjustments with remote controls or switch to various preprogrammed settings to hear in different environments. If you aren’t sure what hearing aid features are b...
Will these help with tinnitus? We have 1000s of customers who report Audien hearing aids have helped with their tinnitus and ringing in the ears. Are these as good as higher priced prescription hearing aids? Audien doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of $5,000 hearing aids, but we ...
Will these help with tinnitus? We have 1000s of customers who report Audien hearing aids have helped with their tinnitus and ringing in the ears. Are these as good as higher priced prescription hearing aids? Audien doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of $5,000 hearing aids, but we ...
stupid no-hopers who head on a road trip across America to return a woman’s briefcase. Unapologetically gross-out, the movie’s a mulch of butt jokes, toilet jokes, snot jokes and sex jokes. It’s totally regressive but in a whoops-just-snorted-my-drink-everywhere-laughing kind of way...
Collaborating with Coi Leray, the buoyant “Happy Fools” injects an extra dose of energy into the album (with all five members, as well as Leray, co-writing on the R&B/Bossa nova hybrid) while “Tinnitus (Wanna Be a Rock)” ventures into new territories with Afrobeat influences. Not ...
The tinnitus from last night’s acid jazz rings in my ear. Last night, after the countdown, I flirted with a beautiful Jewish girl. I knew she was Jewish because she asked me if I was Jewish. She only dated Jewish boys, she said. ...
Make a plan in writing form and try to follow it. (You can find a sample plan in the Asthma Action Plan of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) Follow the doctor's prescriptions. Find out what causes asthma and make everything possible to avoid these things. But your preventiv...