She has earned over 1 million subscribers to her YouTube channel, mostly as a result of her viral video "8 Beauty Hacks Every Girl MUST Know!," which has been viewed more than 700,000 times. She has a popular series on testing fake makeup products from eBay as well. Also an actress...
Have Shorts “outdone” long-form YouTube videos? Instagram Reels or Facebook Reels? These are the questions we asked when preparing the annual short-form video study. From here, the ball is in your court to download the complete Short-Form Video Study and compare it against your own data...
You can save videos from any streaming site, including YouTube, Vimeo, and more. I could download videos in MP3, AVI, WMV, and many other formats. It allows you to select the quality, location, and start and end times, among other options. To lower the purchase cost, you can choose ...
TheYTShortsProgressjailbreak tweak adds a progress bar to the Shorts playback interface, and it looks as native as can be without disturbing your viewing experience. You can learn more about YTShortsProgressin our full review post. YTAutoFullScreen If you’re anything like me, then you probabl...
As our world rapidly changes and adapts to new times, YouTube has surely followed by providing its users withnew featuresandinterface updatesto help usconnect,learn, andexplore. For many, YouTube has become their main social and entertainment platform, or even income stream. For this reason,The...
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Lonie v4.5 released:Add support for more than 25 new app icons requested by users ($3.99 via Havoc repository –review post) MusicTrail v1.2.1 released:Fix edge cases where songs were being logged multiple times, finalize fix for the log threshold to make it dynamic and present, improv...