BEST ~first things~ 表演者: 幸田来未 Koda Kumi 流派: 放克/灵歌/R&B 专辑类型: 专辑 介质: CD 发行时间: 2006-11 出版者: 中国唱片上海公司 唱片数: 2 条形码: 9787799213989 ISRC(中国): CNE010631000 豆瓣评分 8.1 148人评价 5星 34.1% 4星 36.5% 3星 28.2% 2星 1.2% 1星 0.0%...
First things first.(Best Practices: Ideas for Hospitals, Centers, and Practices)Diiulio, Renee
专辑名:BEST-first things (初体验~第一次精选~) 歌手:倖田來未 发行时间:2005-09-21 简介:日本歌坛唯一性感女神幸田来未出道5年首张精选辑《初体验 ~第一次精选~》。出版首周立刻狂销突破50万张,荣登今年日本乐坛一周内卖出最多张专辑的女歌手!“幸感”旋风正在席卷全日本!双CD完整收录幸田来未出道以来...
BEST ~ first things ~ 听相似歌曲 表演者:倖田來未/Kumi Koda 流派:流行 专辑类型:专辑 介质:CD 发行时间:2005-10-03 出版者:Avex Trax 唱片数:2 条形码:4988064452545 豆瓣评分 8.7 457人评价 5星 49.2% 4星 38.8% 3星 10.5% 2星 1.2% 1星
【哭死】《(miss..随着AYU年龄的增长 总有一天日本乐坛会出现新的滨崎步 新的宇多田 这是必然的 但这个人绝对不是幸田 她应该还没有出现 我喜欢的是AYU这
(ɪnklɪneɪʃən)名词:意向柯林斯英语释义:An inclination is a feeling that makes you want to act in a particular way.He had neither the time nor the inclination to think of other things.例句:She showed no inclination to go.He set out to follow his artistic inclinations.本集语境...
First things first. Being a religious town, no meat is served in any restaurants in Rishikesh. Nor is alcohol. But if you really get a craving for either of these, you can go to the next town. The cuisine is mostly Indian, but the cafes serve continental, Italian and English food too...
___1.___ One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays. The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club.___...
BEST ~first things~ 表演者:倖田來未/KM-MARKIT 流派:放克/灵歌/R&B 专辑类型:选集 介质:CD 发行时间:2005-09-21 出版者:エイベックス・マーケティング 唱片数:2 条形码:4988064452521 豆瓣评分 8.7 116人评价 5星 48.6% 4星 37.8% 3星