the best thing since sliced bread的意思是“you think something is extremely good, interesting, etc.”,即“极好(或极有意思等)的事物”。这句习语源于切片面包。sliced bread在这句习语中是指用机器切过的切片面包。在以前面包切片是由人工完成的,1928年首次出售了由机器切片的面包,这样的面包不仅好看也...
有史以来最好的事的翻译应该是 best thing in the history,但是这不够地道,地道的表达方式是 best thing since sliced bread,它的来源是切面面包的发明带来了便利性,寓意:something that is too fine 太好的东西 an excellent person or thing 优秀的人或事物 a new invention that is likely to improve p...
Best thing since sliced bread是很好的事物(发明;理想;计划) Meaning: A good invention or innovation. A good idea or plan. Smart phones are marketed as the best thing since sliced bread, but I think they're just another expensive gadget. Many people think that the internet is the best thing...
有史以来最好的事的翻译应该是 best thing in the history,但是这不够地道,地道的表达方式是 best thing since sliced bread,它的来源是切面面包的发明带来了便利性,寓意: something that is too fine 太好的东西 an excellent person or thing 优...
That's the best thing since sliced bread. 那是有史以来最棒的事。 That's the best thing since sliced bread. 意思: 那是有史以来最棒的事 解释: 如果我们把那是有史以来最棒的事说成the best thing in the history, 听来就不那么地道。美国人是用 the best thing since sliced bread 来表示这个意...
best thing since sliced bread,有史以来最好的事 有史以来最好的事的翻译应该是 best thing in the history,但是这不够地道,地道的表达方式是 best thing since sliced bread,它的来源是切面面包的发明带来了便利性,寓意: something that is too fine...
That's the best thing since sliced bread. 那是有史以来最棒的事。 That's the best thing since sliced bread. 意思: 那是有史以来最棒的事 解释: 如果我们把“那是有史以来最棒的事”说成“the best thing in the history”, 听来就不那么地道。 美国人是用 the best thing since sliced bread...
口语 英语 语言 中级 外语分类 能力等级 切换-音频 00:00:00/ 00:00:00 高清 声音简介 英语思维解密,为什么the best thing since sliced bread指最好的,轻松学英语 音频列表 1 为什么the best thing since sliced bread指最好的 36 2024-01 2
The best thing since sliced bread(直译为自切片面包问世以来最好的东西),这个英语短语指的是先进技术。90年代初由华人创立的同名电脑公司王安电脑破产以后,有分析师指出王安电脑破产的主要原因是因为没有自切片面包问世以来最好的东西。 杨元庆近期表示,#联想没必要做操作系统和芯片#。联想在现在以及未来可预见的一...
Innovation brings us to the world of bread and today's expression: “the best thing sinceslicedbread.” “The best thing since sliced bread” describes a new, excellent thing that makes a great improvement to something. For example, the new map and direction app on my smartphone is the bes...