War Base: this war base worked wonders with my TH7 account in numerous wars and it needed higher Town Hall attackers to clear it off – that’s what you want with your war base as Town Hall 7. Trophy Base: the open lower section and the way the compartments are arranged in this base...
Everyone inlow level TH basesplease look for CC before going in with the army, lure out cc and clear it first. If you can't 3 Star base then prioritise town hall and then clear weaker defenses and score 2 star easily. You can usehigh HP buildings(ie: Hero Hall, storages) as speed...
If you want to stay different from the other clasher’s, this war layout design is highly recommended. The layout defends well against the ground units (without healer). Well, the design can actually give you a bad day if the opponent has loons in his army! Level 6 Base Link, Defends...