We are going to take a look at what the best solo class is in ESO. We will showcase the top 5 solo classes and explain why they are the best choice..
Best ESO Builds for all ESO classes with advanced and beginner setups. Builds for Sorcerer, Nighblade, Necromancer, Dragonknight, Templar, Warden, Arcanist.
To add another layer of possibility and buildcrafting,ESOalso offers a slew of different weapon abilities, which go hand-in-hand with class abilities to make for a diverse selection. The Restoration Staff, for instance, lets every class heal—though some will have an easier time, especially in...
However, players looking to become one of the deadliest competitors on the field will need to optimize their ESO build. This means constantly checking DPS outputs, sustaining your resources, and living to fight another day. Whether you’re looking to become a PvE expert or solo adventurer or c...
Another nice thing about this set is that since it triggers from dealing direct damage with an AoE ability, you can place it exactly where you want, depending on the skills that you're running. For example, as a Dragonknight, you can use Eruption. If you play a Templar, you can use...
Best armor sets in ESO for Templars Image used with permission by copyright holder You’ll typically be slotted into the healer role as a Templar, although plenty of folks run them as a source of DPS in Dungeons and Trials. Because of this wide variety of playstyles, you’ll need to pay...
Players can choose from six classes, including Dragonknight, Sorcerer, Nightblade, Templar, Warden, and Necromancer. The action is mostly addicting and seasoned players can reach the experience of becoming mystic creatures, with their own skills and perks. Crafting armor, weapons, and special items...
RELATED:Elder Scrolls Online: Best Skills For The Templar Class Ever since the class came out inThe Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, the Warden has remained as one of the most popular classes in the game. With the right skills, every team is happy to have a Warden by their side. ...
See the big sights like Moorish palace Real Alcázar and blockbuster art museum Mueso de Bellas Artes, but remember that it is the little things that can make a stay here truly special: eating tapas in a lively bar, browsing a market for tasty local treats or experiencing one of the city...
damaging and healing AoE spell, and the Extended Ritual spell heals and cleanses allies at the same time. The "Holy Light" build is a great guide, but ultimately it's a class for whom Support comes very naturally. Players will find that most Support-oriented Templar builds are similarly ...