Ellen Page stars as a teenage girl who ensnares a man she believes to be a pedophile, played by Patrick Wilson, in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse. As their confrontation escalates, the lines between predator and prey blur, leading to a shocking and suspenseful conclusion. The film tackl...
Trying to figure out sexualities during our teen years is tough, but for high school student Otis who lives with his sex therapist mother, a lifetime of frank discussions and education has turned him into somewhat of a teenage sexpert. Once his class gets wind, he joins up with the residen...
Teenage brothers Michael (Jason Patric) and Sam (Corey Haim) move with their mother (Dianne Wiest) to a small town in northern California. While the younger Sam meets a pair of kindred spirits in geeky comic-book nerds Edward (Corey Feldman) and Alan (Jamison Newlander), the a...
The whole concept of ‘Gypsy’ revolves around the promiscuous relationships of a therapist(Naomi Watts) with her patients as she lives a life that has no boundaries between her profession and her personal fantasies. So, for obvious reasons, this one has a lot of illicit and intimate scenes t...
Firefly Laneis a heartfelt drama series that follows the lifelong friendship of Tully and Kate, from their teenage years to adulthood. Through ups and downs, the show explores the complexities of their bond, weaving together themes of love, loyalty, and the challenges of navigating life’s unpr...
37. History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera Buy on Amazon Add to library In this heartbreaking teenage book of love and loss, teenage boy Griffin is grieving in more ways than one. His ex-boyfriend Theo has just died in a tragic accident — but not before breaking Griffin’s heart...
me now.” And not only was Daria a fully realized character, but she was surrounded by a rich high school community that both played into the tropes popular in this genre and also subverted them. This was a series that was willing to take chances when it came to depicting the teenage ...
there's a universal and terrifying confusion in growing up that can be made more manageable by a supportive community and communication. Plus,Gillian Andersonco-stars as Otis' eccentric divorcée mom, who is an actual sex therapist and has a house full of phallic statues, which is just a lot...
Touch is everywhere. It’s in the firm, “please-hire-me” handshake at the start of a job interview. It’s the “peace be with you” ritual at the end of Catholic Mass. It’s the high-five in sports and between friends. It’s the flailing, screaming, teenage girl hug. It’s ...
Netflix's Sex Education centers on a renowned sex therapist's (Gillian Anderson) virginal teenage son (Asa Butterfield), who teams up with a secretly brilliant social outcast (Emma Mackey) to sell sex advice to his frisky classmates. Season 1 of the binge-able dramedy was as charming and ...