Determined to find the perfect adoptive parents, she navigates the challenges of teenage life, love, and friendship, delivering a unique perspective on the triumphs and struggles of adolescence. Released: 2007 Directed by: Jason Reitman Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies for Expecting Fathers...
“The Diary of a Teenage Girl: An Account in Words and Pictures,” the film brazenly turns its taboo subject matter — the sexual awakening of a teenage girl — into a funny, smart, and honest story that entertains as much as it educates. Bel Powley stars as Minnie Goetze, a ...
But while the experience of teenagedom might be universal, the way the movies reflect that experience vary greatly. On this list of the best teen movies of all time, you’ll find raunchy comedies and big-hearted love stories, serious dramas and even some tales of horror – because after al...
But while the experience of teenagedom might be universal, the way the movies reflect that experience vary greatly. On this list of the best teen movies of all time, you’ll find raunchy comedies and big-hearted love stories, serious dramas and even some tales of horror – because after al...
Ellen Page stars as a teenage girl who ensnares a man she believes to be a pedophile, played by Patrick Wilson, in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse. As their confrontation escalates, the lines between predator and prey blur, leading to a shocking and suspenseful conclusion. The film tackl...
12/31/2024 by Team KoiMoi ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Is 40 — And Somehow Bigger Than Ever 1/1/2025 by Christopher Cruz 3 movies to watch coming to Netflix in January (and one to avoid) 1/1/2025 ...
In the middle of it all, he attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter Ellie (Sadie Sink), whom he abandoned years ago when he left her mother for his partner. Through difficult and encounters with Ellie and others in his life, Charlie struggles to find redemption and meaning...
If you're looking to relive the cringiest years of your life, then the best teen movies on Netflix can help you do just that. Here are the best high school movies to watch right now.
Enter Nimona (Chloë Grace Moretz), a rascally teenage outcast with the magical ability to shape-shift, who's embraced everyone's fear of her powers to play at being the bad-ass. Seeing Ballister's downfall, Nimona thinks she's found a partner in her little league of villainy. Claiming...
"To All the Boys I've Loved Before: P.S. I Still Love You" or "The Kissing Booth" to teenage comedies like "Vampires vs. the Bronx," you're bound to be entertained. Put on your old high school jersey, grab your favorite soda, and stream some ofthe best teen movieson Netflix ...