This satirical comedy, set in the summer of 1981, parodies the conventions of classic '80s teen movies, following the exploits of camp counselors at a fictional summer camp. The ensemble cast, including Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, and Bradley Cooper, brings the nostalgic humor, absurd...
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An iconic slasher film that introduced the world to the vengeful Jason Voorhees, a masked killer who stalks and murders unsuspecting camp counselors at Crystal Lake in retaliation for his own death. With its shocking kills and suspenseful atmosphere, this film has become an end...
The protagonist, Jacob Lee, is voiced and modeled after actor Josh Duhamel, who started with TV's Las Vegas and the Transformers films and has since done various romantic comedies and shows like 11.22.63 and Unsolved: The Murders of Tupac and Biggie. Karen Fukuhara plays companion Dani Nakamur...
Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gamblingis the center for treatment for problem gamblers on the University of Maryland campus, as well as providing Maryland residents with info and treatment options. They also train counselors and the general public to help identify and stop problem gambling...
turn into “Stay single forever, protect your heart, avoid guidance counselors.” Dan Mintz’s straining voice as Tina ties the bit together, so impassioned that it threatens to crack at any moment. With Gene backing her up on a convenient ukulele, she sounds like she wouldn’t be out ...
discussions about current affairs, past experiences, and social media; or Challenge, giving the chance for players to tackle tougher themes such as ethics and personal issues. The game is designed to build self esteem in teens and can be used by parents, teachers, school counselors, or even ...
This satirical comedy, set in the summer of 1981, parodies the conventions of classic '80s teen movies, following the exploits of camp counselors at a fictional summer camp. The ensemble cast, including Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, and Bradley Cooper, brings the nostalgic humor, absur...
This satirical comedy, set in the summer of 1981, parodies the conventions of classic '80s teen movies, following the exploits of camp counselors at a fictional summer camp. The ensemble cast, including Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, and Bradley Cooper, brings the nostalgic humor, absur...
An iconic slasher film that introduced the world to the vengeful Jason Voorhees, a masked killer who stalks and murders unsuspecting camp counselors at Crystal Lake in retaliation for his own death. With its shocking kills and suspenseful atmosphere, this film has become an en...