Mr. Holland's Opus is an inspiring drama centered on the life of Glenn Holland (Richard Dreyfuss), a dedicated music teacher at an American high school. The narrative, spanning three decades, traces Mr. Holland's journey from a reluctant educator to a beloved figure shaping yo...
Over 6K filmgoers have voted on the 260+ films on Best Movies Based On True Stories. Current Top 3: Schindler's List, Goodfellas, Apollo 13
Released just before the Internet pulled porn into its most popular incarnation,Boogie Nightsarrived at the perfect time to make adult movies feel cool again. The film is hardly a blind endorsement for the industry, but watching an actor of Moore’s caliber disappear into a scene like this int...
The best movies on Netflix to stream now New Additions to Best Netflix Movies 'The Whale' The Whale | Official Trailer HD | A24 - YouTube Watch On Charlie (Brendan Fraser) is a reclusive 600-pound English teacher who conducts his classes online. While teaching, he keeps his camera of...
A Teacher Kate Mara and Nick Robinson in 'A Teacher'. Chris Large/FX School never looked so scandalous and, frankly, traumatizing than in this FX on Hulu original. Starring Kate Mara (House of Cards) as high school English teacher, Claire Wilson, the 10-episode drama follows the educato...
In Good Luck to You, Leo Grande, Emma Thompson plays a retired school teacher and widow who's never had an orgasm in her life. Actually, she's never slept with anyone but her late husband, and the two didn't explore much beyond basic missionary sex. On a whim she decides to hire ...
There’s the master who rides a bike into class; the headmaster who opens a drawer to reveal a teacher; Travis’s wrestle with a waitress at a local café… But these more surreal scenes aside, the film’s success is down to its detail: Sherwin and Anderson well knew the world they ...
Melanie and her teacher Helen are close, and Helen believes that Melanie can help them all after there is a terrible attack at the school. The movie will have you wishing it were longer because it is actually that good. You can, however, read the book that the movie is based on by ...
If you’re looking for a thoughtful indie comedy starring Jason Schwartzman,Between the Templesfeels like a spiritual successor to the movie that made Schwartzman famous,Rushmore. Ben Gottlieb (Schwartzman) is a Jewish cantor experiencing a crisis of faith when his grade school music teacher, Carla...
Synopsis: When Ben Wrightman (Jimmy Fallon), a young teacher, begins dating pretty businesswoman Lindsey Meeks (Drew Barrymore), the two don't seem... [More] Starring: Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon, James B. Sikking, JoBeth Williams Directed By: Robert Farrelly, Peter Farrelly Chances Are...