7.Windwalker Monk Windwalker Monk is known for being neglected and forgotten by Blizzard as an expansion goes on. They tend to start expansions strongly and then fizzle away as other specs get buffed and they get nothing. That fate may be on the cards once again in The War Within as Windw...
Guides from Other Classes Assassination Rogue Guide Windwalker Monk Guide Unholy Death Knight Guide Subtlety Rogue Guide
Retribution Paladin Builds and Talents Retribution Paladin Stat Priority Holy Paladin Mythic+ Tips Guides from Other Classes Vengeance Demon Hunter Guide Restoration Shaman Guide Fury Warrior Guide Windwalker Monk Guide Raid Guides Sennarth, the Cold Breath Guide ...
Windwalker Monk is in an interesting spot inThe War Within. It’s a class that’s very situational, meaning it can completely pop off or be lackluster and average. Windwalker Monk is a DPS class with the most mobility, and shines in combat where you switch targets often. While this can b...
Windwalker Monk Windwalker Monks saw buffs to Blackout Kick and changes to Flurry Strikes, making their burst AoE even more potent. While they may still face some bugs, their potential in M+ remains high, keeping them in the A tier. Unholy Death KnightUnholy Death Knights provide...
Windwalker Monk In season 4 of Shadowlands, Windwalker Monks have dominated the DPS meters, and we don't anticipate that to change. With the Pre-Patch adjustments to the talent system, most of their basic gameplay is still present and even gets faster. They primarily excel in AoE circumstances...
Windwalker Monk The Windwalker spec for Monk has some great on-demand burst damage skills that can help meet certain DPS checks. As a pure melee DPS spec, Windwalker Monks are fairly strong in this regard but slightly lack in raid utilities that other DPS classes have access to. ...
Windwalker Monk instant S tier on our WOW Dragonflight S3 PVP tier list. This class does super high bursts because it has a bunch of modifiers for its rising sun kick damage and its fist of fury damage is crazy high. If you want to play a really high ...
Survival Hunter Guide Hero TalentsLevelingEasy ModeBuilds and TalentsRotation, Cooldowns, and AbilitiesStat PriorityGems, Enchants, and ConsumablesGear and Best in SlotMythic+ GuideNerub-ar PalaceMacros and AddonsSpell List and GlossaryHow to ImproveFrequently Asked QuestionsWeakAurasSimulationsPets Guide ...
B KFC (Survival Hunter / Marksmanship Hunter) | TSG (Frost Death Knight) | Arms Warrior + Windwalker Monk | Turbo Cleave | WPPala | Arms Warrior + Havoc Demon Hunter C Batman Cleave (Outlaw Rogue) | WEX D Not viable/ Not seen on ladder Man Cleave | Lumberjack Cleave 2.1. Arms ...