The narrative unfolds through the eyes of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick), who leads this group of soldiers in their fight against prejudice and for freedom. Private Trip (Denzel Washington) and Sergeant Major John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) play pivotal roles in...
Set during World War II, players lead a squad of Allied soldiers on covert missions behind enemy lines. The game combines strategy and real-time action, requiring careful planning and execution to succeed. Its blend of tactical depth and immersive environments made it a standout title...
Fans ofstrategic auto-battlerswill certainly want to check outHellfire Tactics, a novel free-to-play competitive multiplayer game by JWaffle Games. Still in Steam Early Access, it presently supports up to 8-player matches with over 90 draftable units that carry distinct effects into each battle....
Nival Interactive’s Blitzkrieg as a series has been quite successful in the arena of RTS games, and for good reason. Consistently good simulation of war, tactics and strategy is what the series has become known for. And if you thought its name was a reference to Germany’s famed Blitzkrieg...
The strategy genre is one of the largest and most diverse in video games, especially on PC. From 4X Middle Age epics like Crusader Kings III to small-scale tactics games like Into the Breach, there’s something for everyone, no matter if you have 10 minutes or 10 hours. Our list of ...
Originally chosen from the natives in the region, the Almogavars were an elite force of soldiers adept at fighting in the mountains and were known for attacking at night. They famously wore no or very little armor, all of which combined to give them what no other kingdom they were at wa...
TheCall of Dutyfranchise has had its highs and lows, with last year'sModern Warfare 3undoubtedly one of the lowest points so far. It's refreshing then, thatBlack Ops 6launched to such acclaim, and continues to bring players back with each seasonal update. Much of the game's success comes...
Introducing the navy to the concept of deathmatch, the controls are simple and welcoming but allow for interesting tactics in the submarine game. World of Warships is more fun than Total War’s pondering naval engagements, more approachable than Silent Hunter, and far deeper than the Pirates ...
this game is not for everyone, if you don’t want a more specific military simulator game then this is a title to avoid, things can be a bit slow, there are more tactics in taking out the enemies and getting players into position before diving into the area or flying down into a clea...
If you want a quick shoot-about with mates, or to blitz through lots of straightforward, high-dopamine 10-minute deathmatches, this ain’t for you. But if you want to be absorbed in WW2 squad-level tactics, comms, and combat, investing upwards of an hour in a single bloody battle, He...