The Greatest Operas of All Time, Ranked The Best Symphonies Of All Time, Ranked The Best Classical Pianists in the World The Greatest Classical Pianists of All Time The 100+ Greatest Pianists Of All Time, Ranked The Best Opera SongsTRENDING...
Over 33.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Greatest Pianists of All Time HOW RANKINGS WORK Defining musical excellence is a profoundly difficult task, particularly when exploring the realm of globally-acclaimed piano maestros. From sonatas to symphonies to mesmerizing concert...
In 2004 — 50 years after Elvis Presley walked into Sun Studios and cut “That’s All Right” — Rolling Stone celebrated rock & roll’s first half-century in grand style, assembling a panel of 55 top musicians, writers and industry executives (everyone from Keith Richards to ?uestlove of ...
In 2004 — 50 years after Elvis Presley walked into Sun Studios and cut “That’s All Right” — Rolling Stone celebrated rock & roll’s first half-century in grand style, assembling a panel of 55 top musicians, writers and industry executives (everyone from Keith Richards to ?uestlove ...
在Apple Music 上收听英国爱乐乐团, 皇家音乐厅管弦乐团 & 埃里希 · 克莱伯的《The Very Best Symphonies Of All Time》。2012年。9 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 48 分钟
Brahms's Symphony No. 1 featured in our list ofthe 20 greatest symphonies of all time It’s so soft compared to the huge chorale in Beethoven'sSymphony No. 9. Of course,Beethovenwas a great father-figure presence in Brahms’s life, but he was just an example for Brahms. The young co...
From Bach mastery to the spellbinding brilliance of 20th-century French music, we pull out all the stops in this list of the all-time top 10 organ epics.
And yet, there’s more feeling in those five notes than most symphonies can muster in an entire suite. Of course, the rest of the music is pretty great, too: mysterious and emotive and bombastic all at once. Matthew Singer Film writer and editor Advertising 43. Star Trek II: The Wrath...
Boccherini's orchestral music, meanwhile, includes around 30symphoniesand twelve cello concertos. These include the Concerto in B flat, which remains popular to this day. Ranked: the ten best cello concertos of all time David Popper (1843-1913) ...
This list of the top anime movies is an attempt to do just that: to create a primer of one hundred of the most influential and essential films that Japanese animation has produced offer a thorough aesthetic, technical and historical breakdown of why these films matter. To that end,Pasteis ...