Also ranks #6 on The Best Mecha In Anime 24 Dragon Ball Z Kai 3,712 votes In a world filled with powerful fighters, the alien Goku and his friends protect Earth from various threats while searching for the magical Dragon Balls, which grant any wish when gathered. As they face increasingly...
Also ranks #6 on The Best Mecha In Anime 24 Dragon Ball Z Kai 3,713 votes In a world filled with powerful fighters, the alien Goku and his friends protect Earth from various threats while searching for the magical Dragon Balls, which grant any wish when gathered. As they face increasingly...
Gargantuan JRPGs, absurdly over-the-top fighters, crime-solving visual novels—take your pick. There's been some excellent releases in 2024 which you can find below, but also some great classics from the years prior. If you're looking for an interactive anime fix, read on for our faves. ...
The best anime games of 2025 are just as varied and unique as the Japanese films, TV, and manga series they’re inspired by. So whether you’re a fan ofanime fighters,visual novels,JRPGs, or any other genre that lends itself to anime adaptations, we’ve got a game you’ll love. ...
The series’ introduction (and even its lengthy title) gives you a pretty good idea of what’s going on here. In a world where pornography, lewd language, and even crude humor are made illegal, a certain group of freedom fighters try to insert sexuality back into the world. This mash-up...
He's been beaten several times while other fighters retire with their records unblemished. But why is it that everyone considers him "The Greatest"? Naruto Naruto is an anime and manga franchise Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto. The manga was later adapted into a television anime, which ...
‘Baki’ primarily focuses on an intense story of a man who stands against some of the most notorious criminals and fighters in the world, who arrive in Japan for a twisted reason. While the action-packed show usually does not feature anything explicit in any of its episodes, the 20th is...
This leads to an epic battle against a warrior and other expert fighters. It’s set in feudal Japan (surprise, surprise) and as usual, there are great sword fights throughout. 15. Lady Snowblood (1973) Lady Snowblood is set in late 19th-century Japan and follows the vengeful journey of ...
And our second arc based pick is from Hunter x Hunter. Just like in Naruto, this arc lasts for quite a bit, and in my opinion is nothing short of a war. It’s an all-out death match between the Chimera ants and the very best fighters humanity has to offer. ...
From the loveable fighters of thebest anime seriesto the charming sweethearts inromance anime, there are plenty of stellar protagonists and animated villains who’ve captured our hearts and are firmly stuck in our memories. But, in the vast sea of content, franchises, and sagas, who is the ...