The best Yuumi Synergy champions based on win rate in League of Legends. The highest win rate champions to play with Yuumi in Patch 14.21.
Best ADCs to pair with Lulu –Kog’Maw–Ashe–Jinx–Twitch–Vayne Toughest support matchups for Lulu –Zyra–Leona–Sona–Braum–Taric Nami The surge is coming. Image via Riot Games Last but not least, we have Nami, a true Enchanter support. Thanks to her versatile kit, she’s an...
Vayne Except for Vayne and Kha’Zix, all of these units are handy support style units. In most cases, they’re needed to reach trait numbers or as early-game carries and item holders for better carries later on. Vayne can be a true late-game carry. Her success hinges on acquiring three...
One of the best technical players in the world is Jian ‘Uzi’ Zi-Hao from China. As one of the players with the most kills in professional games, both regionally and internationally, he always stood out from the crowd of ADCs. He's also known for his fearsome use of Vayne, with whom...
A-Tier: Vayne, Kog'Maw, Kalista, Tristana, Swain B-Tier: Draven, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Ziggs, Senna C-Tier: Xayah, Varus, Yasuo Avoid-Tier: Jinx, Aphelios, Zeri LoL Tier List: Support Support champions should always be in the same lane as their ADC during the laning phase...
Up next we have the “Hud Scale” option. With this option, there is no right answer. You can set your hud as big as you want or as small as you want. I prefer to have it at size 0 since I like having more of my screen focused on the game. But if you usually find yourself...
-speed item for ADCs who rely on most of their damage through auto-attacks. The unique effect Guinsoo’s Rageblade provides is a Phantom attack, which applies on-hit effects to targets at 100% effectiveness after a 0.15-second delay. This item works extremely well with champions like Vayne...
Vayne – 49.04% Win Rate Zeri – 48.47% Win Rate LCK Top Picks If you want to know the best ADCs based on esports players, then the LCK stats is the best one to look at. The Korean tourney features some of the best of the best players in the whole world, and the pros in this...
The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Zed are Ezreal, Vayne, and Jhin. # Win Pick Game 1 52.37% 4.22% 548 2 58.64% 0.85% 110 3 51.42% 3.52% 458 4 57.14% 0.65% 84 5 51.40% 2.48% 322 6 53.13% 0.98% 128 7 55.00% 0.62% 80 8 56.67% 0.46% 60 9 57.00% 0.38%...
A.M. Reid is a support main in League of Legends with a particular love for Rakan. Besides FandomSpot, her words have popped up in PCGamesN, Dignitas, The Startup, EsportsHeadlines, among others. If you want to learn more about her, or want to convince her that Shelly isn't the mo...