The 3 best Mid Lane Synergy picks good with Teemo are Tristana, Lux, and LeBlanc. # Win Pick Game 1 56.63% 2.47% 98 2 64.47% 0.96% 38 3 57.26% 1.56% 62 4 58.33% 1.06% 42 5 55.95% 1.06% 42 6 56.58% 0.96% 38 7 53.85% ...
The 3 best Mid Lane Synergy picks good with Ashe are Tristana, Yone, and Lissandra. # Win Pick Game 1 52.43% 2.26% 576 2 54.27% 1.29% 328 3 59.72% 0.57% 144 4 52.31% 2.04% 520 5 59.75% 0.46% 118 6 56.25% 0.69% 176 7
With his ghouls and annoying abilities, Yorick makes a very strong case to be the most successful frontliner in League Arena Just make sure you have a damage dealer by your side and you should be more than fine. Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver Best duo: Ziggs, Ivern, Tristana Prismatic: Dusk...
When it comes to partners, Annie synergizes the most with champions that can instantly follow up on her engage. This includes marksmen like Kai’Sa and Tristana, but alsoAPCs like Ziggs and Karthus. Recommended items: Luden’s Tempest Shadowflame Rabadon’s Deathcap Read Also:7 Best Synergy A...
Caitlyn is, for the most part, the champion with the longest range in the game. She can be surpassed by Tristana and Kindred, but that’s not until very late into the game, so most of the time she can deal damage even when she’s a long way away from potential threats. Caitlyn has...
Tristana Support- Bot Lane Supports never get the love they deserve but their role on a team is nevertheless required. Vision, CC, peel, even damage in some cases; supports can totally carry games themselves. Here are a few that will consistently give you and your team the tools to gain ...
With an amazing wave clear that can render enemies’ pushes useless – even with the changes to Statikk Shiv, which starting tomorrow will no longer deal bonus damage to minions, Tristana becomes a monster late game, where her superior range aided by the attack speed steroid provide...
However, unlike Jinx, Tristana is an ADC that can be played in a much riskier style as she leaps straight into the action with Rocket Jump which will reset on a fully charged Explosive Charge or on a takedown (kill or assist). That reset also allows Tristana to go for risky all-ins ...
We have previously discussed how to master playing with other LoL Wild Rift heroes likeAmumu,Master Yi,Jinx,Braum,Dr.Mundo,Akali,Yasuo,Singed,Jax,Darius,Kennen,Tristana,Varus,Ashe,Lulu,Miss FortuneandBlitzcrank. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on thi...
Tristana – 50.93% Win Rate Kog’Maw – 50.9% Win Rate Jinx – 50.28% Win Rate Sivir – 50.17% Win Rate Ashe – 50.02% Win Rate Caitlyn – 49.88% Win Rate Kai’Sa – 49.85% Win Rate Varus – 49.64% Win Rate Yasuo – 49.26% Win Rate ...