32 -- 12:20 App PLAYING 2 CHAMPIONS AT THE SAME TIME! (Jinx + Yuumi) 115 -- 1:38 App 彩虹島物語Latale 為了戰士的祈禱稱號學習書 2022-12-30 01-49-55 23 -- 1:18 App 英雄聯盟 開箱:10個英雄典藏罐,10個海完斯科技寶箱 2023-07-29 00-20-04 7 -- 3:14 App Daily Chess+Chess Puzz...
Out of all traditional and off-meta AP support champions you can play in the bot lane, Lux is the best overall. She almost has no weaknesses and if you know how to take advantage of her kit, you’re going to win most of your matchups without a problem. For starters,Lux is simply f...
League of Legends Willing Sacrifice Arena Augment Build Guide. The best champions and other augments to use in combination with the Willing Sacrifice in the 2v2v2v2 game mode for patch 13.16. Augments Good With Willing Sacrifice We recommend using the following augments with Willing Sacrifice. ...
The best Volibear Synergy champions based on win rate in League of Legends. The highest win rate champions to play with Volibear in Patch 14.21.
League of Legends Best Bottom Champions! League of Legends Best Early Game Junglers League of Legends Best Dragon Soul Which Is Best? LoL Best Mid Players In The World Right Now LoL Best Jungle Players In The World Right Now LoL Best Support Players In The World Right Now ...
She can stun several champions at once without needing to be within their attack range. This allows her to make a huge impact while playing safely, and can honestly turn any teamfight in her favor. To top it all off, her kit is also simple, making her exceptionally easy to pick up. ...
Looking further down the line, the 2017 LoL Champions Korea proudly rear its head. Perhaps shakes a shapely rear. This event also commands some respect with its hefty prize pool of $240,000. Right after the World Championships, things may quiet down for a bit, but the outward calm is dec...
Statistical LoL Top Lane Tier List, Patch 25.S1.1. Updated hourly with the best champions to play in Solo Queue based on the latest stats.
LoL LoLis another MOBA. This is a battle arena game like Dota. Players work in teams controlling champions with unique abilities. There’s a huge roster of characters to choose from with special abilities. They level up these champions each game to gain more abilities, to try and destroy the...