–Vayne Toughest support matchups for Lulu –Zyra–Leona–Sona–Braum–Taric Nami The surge is coming. Image via Riot Games Last but not least, we have Nami, a true Enchanter support. Thanks to her versatile kit, she’s an all-round great pick for numerous matches. Nami is immensely...
LoL Best Jungle Players In The World Right Now LoL Best Support Players In The World Right Now LoL Best Carry Players In The World Right Now
rushing AP is the only sensible option. Therefore, without proper frontline and support, she won’t be able to navigate teamfights as well as you may want. It’s a perfect pick for your duo queue, where your partner can potentially pick a jungler or mid laner, giving ...
Most of the time they are played on the duo lane with the support, but sometimes you’ll see someone play Vayne top or Lucian mid. If you’re reading this you’re probably curious on who are the best marksmen type champions in the game, you might be someone who’s new to the game...
There may be no decade harder to define than the 2010s. Where many of the previous decades were dominated by particular music movements, there wasn’t really one overarching style of music that commanded the 2010s, giving us a wealth of options to choose from in heavy music. ...
This allows her to stay relatively safe as she kites her opponents, even without a support behind her. Vayne’s high damage output and scaling also means she can stay a viable champion throughout the game. Now, the main reason Vayne isn’t higher up on this list is because she has a...
Since October 2009, League of Legends has captivated millions of players. The top players come together to compete and these seven are the best of the best.
System of a Down’s Serj Tankian launched his solo career, while Sixx: A.M. gave Nikki Sixx a musical companion to his “Heroin Diaries” memoir. Hellyeah was a new supergroup featuring Mudvayne’s Chad Gray and Pantera’s Vinnie Paul among others, and The Almost saw Aaron Gillespie find...
System of a Down’s Serj Tankian launched his solo career, while Sixx: A.M. gave Nikki Sixx a musical companion to his “Heroin Diaries” memoir. Hellyeah was a new supergroup featuring Mudvayne’s Chad Gray and Pantera’s Vinnie Paul among others, and The Almost saw Aaron Gillespie find...
Vayne Seraphine Twitch Xayah Hecarim and other assassins with backline access are quite popular among junglers and mid laners this patch and what better ADC to play than Xayah. Xayah can easily ult her way out of a burst from assassins and bruisers with back line access. She deals tons of...