As Tracy plunges headfirst into a world of petty crime and substance abuse, her mother, Melanie (Holly Hunter), struggles to save her from self-destruction. Directed by Catherine Hardwicke, this stark portrayal of adolescence earned Holly Hunter an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting...
Substance consumption, whether involving illicit drugs, prescribed medications, over-the-counter drugs, or alcohol, can lead to misuse or abuse. Find More Alcohol Learn about alcohol abuse, how it affects the brain and body, and treatment options. Alcohol can take a physical and mental toll on...
However, it ups the ante by adding some real substance to its sexy, bloody cocktail. Set in 1979, X follows an adult film director (Owen Campbell), his girlfriend (Jenna Ortega), and his stars (Mia Goth, Brittany Snow, and Scott Mescudi) as they attempt to make a dirty movie on a...
If you have reached the point where you want to try to overcome your drug and alcohol abuse problem, Kissimmee drug rehab centers can help. Seeking the help of a center for addiction treatment in Kissimmee is a brave and important step to take in your addiction recovery process. The hardest...
Best drug rehabs Atlantais what Centered Recovery Programs stives to be everyday. We are not your average drug and alcohol addiction treatment center. In fact, we go way beyond substance abuse rehabilitation services. Our holistic approach is non 12-step and uses mindfulness. ...
Brighter Start Health is a substance abuse treatment center in Wilmington, NC offering various services to adults struggling with substance abuse issues. Some services offered are PHP with supportive group housing, IOP and outpatient services offered to
Discover Roots Through Recovery, the top addiction treatment center in California. Find personalized rehab options in Long Beach.
created in providing patients complete recovery, luxury comfort and peace of mind to focus on getting well. Our oceanfront treatment center offers scenic views and private accommodations, so our patients have nothing else to worry about except getting healed from substance abuse and co-occurring ...
She displays a radical empathy in her engagement of her subjects, who she shows going about daily tasks, receiving treatment, and attending school. The title comes from a sentence a young student suffering leprosy writes across a blackboard. Throughout, sayings from the Koran and the Old ...
Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Detox People drink to relax, celebrate, or hang out with friends in the Newark area all the time; there is nothing wrong with that. However, there are times when people have issues struggling with substance abuse, substance use disorder, and the addictive power ...