Private student loans can help pay for your education, but be sure to shop around for the best deal. See rates from LendingTree’s top student loan lenders.
The best student loan refinance lenders of 2025 offer the lowest interest rates, multiple repayment options and the fewest fees. In our rankings, we also considered how easy it is to qualify, customer experience, ease of the application process and more when determining the top lenders. ...
Many student loan companies don’t lend to international students, except for a select few. We reviewed and compared the APRs, fees, and terms of the best lenders offering international student loans.
Compare offers from multiple private student loan lenders to find the lowest interest rate. Choose private loans only after you've exhausted all federal financial aid.
Credible enables you to fill out one form and look at personalized offers from multiple lenders. If you want to speak to a professional, consider hiring a CFP to help you with your student loans. We recommend The Student Loan Planner to help you put together a solid financial ...
Your credit, and that of a co-signer if you have one, affect the types of loans available to you and the student loan interest rate you'll pay. Loan Types Private lenders may offer different types of loans depending on the degree you're pursuing. The loan type can affect your loan ...
There are many different options for repaying your student loan debt. Most private lenders will let you choose to make interest-only payments, fixed payments of a certain amount (such as $25), or full payments while you’re still in school or wait until you’ve graduated to start making ...
Loan amounts $2,001 to $100,000 Loan terms 10 years Minimum credit score Not required Minimum income Not disclosed WHY WE CHOSE IT Although some private student loan lenders will issue loans to international students, they typically require the student to have a cosigner that is a U.S. cit...
Why we chose it: Most lenders require borrowers to be U.S. citizens or permanent residents to qualify for student loan refinancing, but MPOWER Financing offers refinancing for international and DACA students that live and work in the U.S. ...
Cosigner optionality: Many student loan lenders require a cosigner; they can be helpful when you have bad credit. There are also some bad credit lenders that don't require a cosigner. Cons Higher interest rates: Bad credit loans come with higher interest rates than other student loans. If you...