Credit card debt is sneaky. If you only accumulate a few hundred dollars per month in debt, you might not notice it much until it reaches a few thousand dollars. Then, the interest rates on the debt start to impact your ability to pay it off and you begin to wonder how you’ll get ...
Carrying a growing balance onhigh-interestcredit cards can put a huge financial strain on your monthly budget. Whether it's anunexpected expense—like a car repair or medical bill—or you're going through a period of reduced income, being saddled with credit card debt can make it feel imposs...
Fact: 41% of Americans donot even have $500in savings. And more than half (54%) have no savings strategy and aren't sure how to change the situation. Related: How to Save Money Fast. Because you may need to use this money at any time, you don't want to take risks with it. Un...
Side jobs are great, but if you need cash quick, your options are limited. Here are the foolproof ways to make money right now.
think about how complex you want your credit card strategy to be. if you find chasing the best value exciting and don't mind putting some thought into managing your cards, a rewards card with bonus rewards or rotating categories may be a good fit. if that sounds too complicated, you might...
Once you start getting notices, calls, or even collection entries on your credit report, using a credit card to quickly pay off the total owed becomes a tempting solution. Though not the ideal way to manage medical debt, paying off a bill with a credit card can enable you to avoid ...
Secondly, think about how complex you want your credit card strategy to be. If you find chasing the best value exciting and don't mind putting some thought into managing your cards, a rewards card with bonus rewards or rotating categories may be a good fit. If that sounds too complicated,...
of credit cards available that pay cashback rewards of 1% or more. TheChase Freedom Flex℠pays 5% on gasoline purchases in the first year, up to $6,000 in total purchases. That’s on top of a $200 bonus just for spending $500 within the first three months of owning the card. ...
The U.S. Bank Cash+® Visa Signature® Card has a somewhat complex rewards structure that requires some planning and strategy, but once it clicks, you can easily save 5% cash back on 2 categories of their choice ($2,000 purchase limit per quarter). A generous 0% introductory APR on...
Why we picked it If your credit card strategy includes free travel, the Citi Strata Premier is the best, most flexible option of any Citi credit card. A refresh of the now-retired Citi Premier® Card * , it earns valuable ThankYou® points, which you can transfer to Citi’s airline ...