Probably the best of Bullfrog's darkly satirical Syndicate series, Syndicate Wars is a tactical RTS set in a bleak dystopia ruled by evil corporations. The totalitarian status quo is under threat from a virus, and as a EuroCorp Executive with a squad of cyborg agents and a budget of 50,00...
Those efforts are strained when Laura — a young mutant who possesses the same abilities as Logan — turns up on his door, needing protection from the evil forces that created her. If you're tired of the current crop of superhero movies, with their formulaic stories and light, fluffy tone...
her beloved great-aunt Rosie passes away, leaving Sara bereft with grief. But Aunt Rosie’s death also opens an escape from her life and a window into the past by way of a plane ticket to Sicily
Who Stone plays: Maybe not everyone realized the world needed a “101 Dalmatians” prequel but Stone’s turn as the titular villain in “Cruella” comes with some surprising roots for the Disney character. This Cruella isn’t born evil, nor does she set out to kill dogs; instead, Stone’...
You can play the game as a peaceful ruler or evil emperor amusing neighbor settlements. With the right strategy, you need to develop your capital and expand the empire by conquering nearby provinces. The game continues to produce goods and troops even when you log out of the game. ...
Resident Evil Village is an excellent experience on iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro Max with great graphics, awesome scares and more. Just don't play it with touch controls. Five Nights at Freddy's Five Nights at Freddy's has become a large franchise in its own right, but the original jum...
Also ranks #6 on The 16 Most Evil Things Anime Villains Have Ever Done 64 All For One 5,514 votes The series biggest antagonist and villain is none other than All for One. His quirk - also named All for One - allows him to take and give quirks from person to person with ease. By...
Details of Wireless security and the configurations required for maximum security including encryption weakness, evil twins, Wi-Fi crackers, and RF isolation Network monitoring to identify potential hackers and adversaries lurking on your network with the help of tools like Syslog, Tcpdump, and Wiresh...
Getting the hack-and-slash right in 3D was something that developers struggled with for a long time, and Capcom was arguably the first to achieve it with this early classic for the PS2. Dante’s first outing was originally conceived as a new direction for Resident Evil, but the game design...
Best GPS Watch for Newer Runners Garmin Forerunner 165 Music $300 from REI Co-op Average Battery LifeSmartwatch mode Trigger Point Performance GRID Foam Roller Foam rolling is a necessary evil. Why not make that task easier by gifting the runner in your life theTrigger Point PerformanceGRID, ...