Blight is one of those reliablesingle-target burst damage Warlock spellsthat almost everyone should have in their spell list. It’s not always going to be the most optimal choice for your 6 spell slots per day, but when you need a single target dead fast, Blight is the right tool for t...
This is great for situations with many enemies or one especially strong enemy – you can dish out damage very quickly for a few turns, or perform other actions such as casting spells and healing. The downside of the Potion of Speed is that after the effect expires, you will be Lethargic ...
The Sorcerer in Baldur’s Gate 3 must also choose two Spells to start the game with. Spells consume a Spell Slot when cast, and Spell Slots can only be replenished by taking a Long Rest. We recommend starting with the following Spells for our Sorcerer Build: ...
Warlock Addons for Warlocks make tracking DoTs and soul shards much simpler, saving you from micromanagement. They also help with pet control and cooldown tracking, ensuring you maximize your chaotic damage output. Necrosis— A Warlock special add-on helps you manage Soul Shards, Soul Stones, ...
Due to its large user base, there is a huge library of auras already created for you to import at theWago classic Druid section, make sure to check it out before starting your adventure! There are also many general weak auras available, such as: ...