How should we think about Wordle starting word strategies? Let's think about this holistically first. You've got 26 letters in the alphabet. Of those, five (plus the letter "Y" at times) are vowels, the basic building block for most words. ...
Related:What is Today’s Wordle Word? For the list of words below, we recommend starting with something that has five different letters and working from there. You will also want to include letters that are often used in words like R, S, T, P, or any vowels to get them out of the ...
If you prefer a list of the best first words for Wordle, we recommend starting any given day with these. If you'd rather hear directly from some of our Wordle-obsessed editors, be sure to check out their more specific strategies below. The key is often to quickly find vowels or common ...
If you always use the same word when you play for Wordle, why not check out the strategies used by most people to pick the best starting word, and see if yours fits? In this article, we’ll explore which words are best to start Wordle with, which ones to avoid, and how you can ...
If youwantto pay for apremium membership, that's up to you. But we recommend starting with the free versions of cult faves like Tinder, Grindr, and Hinge. Thesepopular dating appsgive you just enough functionality to connect with potential partners for casual encounters — all without spending...
guess a particular five letter word, but getting it right every time is hard as there are only six attempts to guess the word each day. If you’re struggling to master this tricky puzzle, then try out our tips for the best starting words to maximize your chances of becoming a Wordle ...
My friends and I have been playing it for a few days and I’ve been doing pretty good, averaging around 3 or 4 guesses per word. We take screenshots of our guesses each day and compare them. Naturally the question has come up of what the best starting word is in WORDLE? Which word...
Fellow Wordle players: do you just use the same first word every time? Mine is “ROAST” — Kyle Orland (@KyleOrl)December 30, 2021 Lucky my starting word is always ROAST. Wordle 215 2/6 — Roger Finch (He/Him) (@RogerFinch1)January 20, 2022 ...
The Right Starting Word – Best Wordle Starting Words While there are a number of ways you can start playing Wordle, there is norightway per se. You can try any five-lettered word and take it forward. Some say ADIEU is the ideal word, others imply SOARE should be the first word you ...
What's the best Wordle starting word? Don't be afraid to use ourtip sheet ranking all the letters in the alphabet by frequency of uses. In short, you want starter words that lean heavy on E, A and R, and don't contain Z, J and Q. ...