The Rise of Tiamat was part of a larger series of 5th edition D&D modules called Tyranny of Dragons. This was never a single book with its own cover, but they found a way to put it on a blanket anyway. The image here is stylized, designed to resemble some of the older, simpler cove...
This is the one I personally went with. It’s designed for making 2D games fast and easily. You can create games using either adrag-n-drop(DnD) interface or by programming with a specific language calledGameMaker Language(GML). You won’t find this language elsewhere, but it’s pretty si...
🏃 Examples and Starter Kits Official Examples Books Coming Soon_ Create elegant screenshots of your source code. Built with SolidJS Blocks-based collaborative editormore coming soon... 🛠️ Tooling 📦 Components & Libraries ...