Annual Fee: Some cards charge you a fee once a year simply for the privilege of having the card. For college students, it's usually best to look for a credit card with no annual fee. Late Fee: The fee charged when you don't make your payment on time. Hopefully, you will never fac...
The Capital One Savor Student Cash Rewards Credit Card is a good fit for college students because of its high cash-back rates in useful spending categories like groceries and dining. Standout benefits: You'll earn 10% cash back on Uber and Uber Eats purchases (through Nov. 14, 2024) and...
A student credit card is a starter card for college students to build credit. These U.S. News picks for best student credit cards can help you find a first card.
Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card: Best forSecured cards: Low deposit Petal® 2 Visa® Credit Card: Best forNo-deposit starter card: No fees Brex Card: Best forSmall-business card: Startups Firstcard® Secured Credit Builder Card: Best forSecured cards: International students and ...
Best for low-deposit secured card: Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card Best for cashback: Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express Best for no credit: Discover It Chrome for Students Best starter credit card: Discover It Secured Best for traveling students: Bank of America Travel Reward...
How We Evaluate Credit Cards for College Students Student cards generally don't offer the same rewards and premium benefits as "regular" credit cards - and that's fine. The main reason to apply for a credit card as a student is to start building your credit history so you can qualify for...
7 best credit cards for young adults Discover it® Secured: Best overall Fizz debit card: Best for no APR Discover it® Student Cash Back: Best for students DoorDash Rewards Mastercard® Best for restaurant cash back Bilt Mastercard®: Best for paying rent Amazon Prime Secured Card: Bes...
Capital One Savor Student Cash Rewards Credit Card: Best for Going out & staying in Discover it® Student Cash Back: Best for Rotating bonus categories Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card for Students: Best for Travel rewards (for established credit) Capital One Quicksilver Student Ca...
This card is very similar to the Quicksilver offered to non-students, as it includes most of the perks that a person with established credit history would get from Capital One. We like it as a starter card because it gives you a set rate of 1.5% cash back on every purchase you make,...
Best credit cards for 18-year-olds Best for college students: Discover it® Student Cash Back Best for poor credit: Discover it® Secured Credit Card Best for cash-back: Citi Double Cash® Card Best for welcome bonus: Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card Best for no credit: Petal® 2 ...