Dimir Midrangehas been a powerhouse in Standard for many months, and is still one of the best MTG Arena decks in the meta. As usual with this color combination, evasive creatures and removal spells abound. What is fairly new, however is the appearance of anMTG planeswalker: Kaito, Bane of...
If you’re looking to play the most popular format in Wizards’ mobile title, we’ve got all the MTG Arena standard decks you need. Fit for the current rotation, we’ve split our picks for standard into three top-tier decks that don’t take budget into account, and then three cheaper...
The Apple Watch Series 3 with cellular takes a major step forward in making Apple's wrist-worn device its own independent, connected computing platform. Simply put, it's a must-have for athletes in the Apple ecosystem, and a wearable device worth considering for many other non-fitness use ...
Standard, Legacy, and Pauper strategies have all boasted this as the marquee card. It still reigns as one of Legacy’s strongest and most iconic decks. What deck doesn’t want a 1-mana 3/2 flier as a blisteringly fast clock? #44. Baleful Strix I may be a little biased in my love...
Which starter decks should you play in MTG Arena and paper Magic? Which are the best? And how can you easily upgrade them into good meta decks?
Welcome to MTG Malone, your daily MtgA channel! Today I present to you: #Freestuff! This is one of my favourite Decks to play! ALL POWER TO THE TARRASQUE!! Subscribe to my Channel for a fresh new Youtube video
Event Details Welcome to Midweek Magic! Each week, try out a different way to play MTG Arena! Bring a 60-card deck using only cards fromThe Lost Caverns of Ixalan,, and Find Duration Normally I go more control based with my Dimir decks, but there are a lot of powerful creatures runnin...
Each card has an assigned weight for (Historic) Brawl (weight_hb_99) and Standard Brawl (weight_sb_99), with a separate rating if thy are assigned as a commander (weight_hb_cmdandweight_sb_cmd). While the exact formula is not known for matchmaking, we presume Wizards of the Coast add...
BoardGamesNMore is a Canadian best Board Games store in Montreal, Toronto stocks Kickstarter, latest & new release Board Games with good discount & ...
from the constantly shifting Standard meta to Commander’s exciting, over-the-top turns. From lean, mean aggro decks; to infuriating, opponent-stymying control decks; to absurd jank decks that only come together 10% of the time, but when they do are things of beauty; Magic’s a fount ...