Steve Martin and Martin Short: An Evening You Will Never Forget For the Rest of Your Lifeis a delightful hour of comedy and music recorded at the Peace Center in Greenville, South Carolina. This evening acts as a variety show written by the pair, showcasing sketches, jokes about their frie...
Eugene Mirman's offbeat, absurdist humor has made him a favorite among comedy connoisseurs in the 2010s. Known for his work on animated series Bob's Burgers and as a frequent podcast guest, Mirman's stand-up often features unconventional jokes, props, and bizarrely hilarious premises. His di...
The most hilarious standup comedian I know, intelligent, confident, charismatic person with great jokes delivery. His material would make you laugh harder when you see it the second time. He works hard, he always on tours in major flyover cities in the US. ...
Using a bit about her Black lesbian friend as an example, Professor Buteau launched into a comedy lesson. “We can tell jokes and stories and not disparage a whole community,” she explained. “We can do that. We can make it funny, we just have to work at it. So if y...
Vipul Goyal is a name most of us will be familiar with as he performed at CIFA 2020. He is a king of relatable comedy and awesome jokes. His acts reflect his keen observation of middle class people. From family stereotypes to politics, he has a funny take on every topic. Among his b...
an intimate special at New York’s The Comic Strip, where his career first took off. Interspersing signature jokes with never-before-seen materials and footage, the icon brings his past to life. It might not be what you expect, but it’s some of the best comedy on Netflix nevertheless...
Voted 2024's #1 Comedy Show in Atlantic City and #1 Top Nightlife Attraction by Tripadvisor! Comedy shows all week at Resorts & Claridge. Book ACJokes tickets now!
Stand-up comedy can take many forms. It can be a monologue (独白) on funny things that may form a story. It can be simply a series of jokes. It can also be performed almost anywhere — clubs, bars or parties.Stand-up comedy has come a long way in the west, but it is a new ...
Reality star Hannah Berner is going all-in on comedy in her first special,We Ride At Dawn. She goes on at length about why Beast fromBeauty and the Beastis such a catch, amid jokes about marrying a much older man. Berner is also pretty fearless when it comes to talking about sex, in...
George Carlin is a stand-up comedy legend. InYou Are All Diseased, the late comic rants about airport security, germ phobias, businessmen, cigars, and angels. Some of the jokes don’t age well — particularly some of the thoughts on airport security, as this was filmed pre 9/11 — but...