When Jack (James Marsden) and Diane (Marley Shelton) find themselves in an unexpected adult situation, the A-Squad comes to their rescue. In order to help their friend Diane, the A-Squad goes where no cheerleader has gone before: taking on a little after-school project known as b...
Spike Lee copters audiences back to the Vietnam War with Da 5 Bloods, a daring film that's part drama, part war movie, and part heist flick. Named for a squad of Black U.S. Army soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division, Lee's critically heralded 2020 joint follows this band of brothers...
He was part of France's FIFA World Cup squad in 2014, when he was nominated for the Best Young Player award, and in 2018, when he played every minute of every game as France went on to win the title. Birthplace: Lille, France Team: Manchester United Position: Centre-back Also ranks ...
per kenpom.com), Sasser's traditional stats may not appear as gaudy as other players, he'll arguably be the best player on an AAC contender and one of the top defensive squads in the country.
finished second in sacks with 14.5. He forced five fumbles, recovering three and taking one to the house. He was the key defensive star on arguably the league's best team, a 12-4 Vikings squad that made it all the way to the NFC Ch...
Makes a lovely double with ‘Billy Liar’, only Billy never got duffed up by squaddies. Alas… DJ Advertising 23. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) "Lawrence of Arabia" Director David LeanCast Peter O’Toole, Omar Sharif, Alec Guinness At the time of its release in 1962, David Lean’s desert...
By her senior year she’d figured out how to fake normal and fit in with the It Girls of Samohi. And it was all good, if exhausting, until she noticed some faint numbers in the corner of her TV screen and cracked the communications system of a murderous eco-terror organization. ...
Roberto Mancini, Pep Guardiola and Thomas Tuchel are the three finalists in the running for The Best FIFA Men's Coach award. Mancini steered Italy to a European Championship crown, while Tuchel masterminded Chelsea's Champions League triumph and Guardiola delivered a Premier League and League Cup...
Were it not for the avalanche of English center-forward talent, which includes starter Harry Kane and Watkins, I think Solanke's presence in England's squad for this summer's Euros would hardly be in doubt. But ultimately, it's up to manager Gareth Southgate and his preference on how ...
You’re able to select from a choice of squads to take on each sortie, decking each out with different wargear and skills each time to mix up their in-game tactics, and finding out what works best for you, which – frankly – is a whole ton of fun. It’ll soon have you picking...