Best Phase 1 PvP GuideIt requires considering various aspects such as talents, gear, playstyle strategies, and adapting to different combat scenarios. Here's a breakdown to help you excel in PvP as a Rogue:1. Understanding Rogue Mechanics...
The class initially suffered inWorld of Warcraft ClassicSeason of Discovery phase one due to the Rogues’ relatively lacking kit. But phase two raised the level cap, added better Rogue Runes, and finally, more Agility items, especially in the Gnomeregan raid. No matter if you’re using your ...
Combat Rogues may find themselves in a similar position to Assassination Rogues, having access to Shadowstep like other Rogue specs. However, they are likely to be outshined by Subtlety's superior burst potential, leaving them as a mid-tier choice for dueling. They can still...
Play Beast Mastery:There's only one spec for a Hunter to choose and that's Beast Mastery: BM talents will allow your pet to carry you while leveling. Especially if it is your first time playing hunter, you will have a much easier time leveling if you allow yourself to rely on your pe...
If you get the timing absolutelyperfect, you can not only negate an incoming ability (like a Rogue’sKidney Shotstun), but also put it oncooldownas though it connected. This naturally requires a lot of practice, but allows for some really high-level plays. ...