Elite: Dangerousoffers an expansive, open-world space adventure where players navigate a massive galaxy full of stars, planets, and cosmic phenomena. As a pilot, you choose your path—be it mining, trading, piracy, or exploration. The game features realistic astrophysics and a richly detailed un...
Reach for the stars with the best space exploration games that let you discover alien worlds, dodge supermassive black holes, or become an interstellar trucker.
Download and play Exploration Games for PC. Discover new expansive worlds uncovering points of interest, characters and lore. Play online or offline too!
The spacefaring MMO has everything you could possibly want in a game of its type — it’s just that some of the bits are a little better than others. The first-person shooting, for instance, is just OK. ButElitemore than earns its spot on this list for the sense ofexploration,discover...
Forest Are For Trees - Walking through the forest is something that takes on new meaning in this mind-expanding exploration game, which is small and possibly infinite all at once. It’s a walking sim, sort of, where you traipse around an eerie woodland. But something funny happens when you...
For more gaming content, check out our guides to the best space exploration games or maybe the all-spooky best space horror games list. Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us kno...
This gorgeous, heartfelt space adventure is one of the best examples of video game exploration and discovery. Outer Wilds encourages you to hop into your spaceship and go wherever you want – or just stay on your home planet and see what's happening there. Should you feel lost or need a...
The game has earned acclamation from all over the world. It is a multiplayer battle royale PC game that is a blend of combat, exploration, and socialising. You can play in two perspectives in the game - first person or third person shooting, you can pick either. Both these perspectives ...
17.Dead Space Jan 27, 2023•RatedM Developed exclusively for next generation consoles and PC, raising the level of horror and immersion to unprecedented heights for the franchise through stunning visuals, audio and controls powered by the Frostbite game engine. Fans will experience an improved sto...
This narrative-based exploration game is spooky and intriguing. Roam around a vast landscape as you gather clues and evidence to lead you towards the person behind the crime. Could it be the same arsonist from all those years ago? Or is it someone completely new? You’ll have to put the...