This uproarious parody of music biopics follows the tumultuous rise and fall of fictional rock legend Dewey Cox. With its spot-on send-up of melodramatic storytelling and memorable original songs, this film takes viewers on a hysterical journey through the trials and tribulations of a tortured ar...
Over 600 music fans have voted on the 30+ Best Parody Music Bands/Artists. Current Top 3: "Weird Al" Yankovic, Spinal Tap, The Rutles
So what makes it one of Zach Bryan’s best songs and not just a mess of weepy cliches? It’s the way the Oklahoman sings like he’s exhausted, barely able to get out his story of a family funeral if not for his rootsy band giving him the strength to burst out, “I bet God ...
100 Best Party Songs for an Epic Dance Throwdown 1. “Like a Prayer” by Madonna 1. “Like a Prayer” by MadonnaA truly great party has to have drama, and who better to provide this than the Queen of Pop, Madonna...
In contrast with the sweeping and showy songs that you'd find in a traditional musical, these songs are short, punchy, and sometimes don't even feel like songs at all. More than anything, "Annette" feels like the type of movie that will generate conversations. Whether or not those convers...
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In the years to come, Robyn would recalibrate pop with her specific brand of shattered euphoria, songs that doused you in glitter even while seeping into your every ache. But as a teen hitmaker, she crash-landed on the U.S. charts with a handful of glinting, gooey singles. “Show Me ...
Really?), and the concept of being ‘born’ gay is kind of irrelevant and unsubtle. Still, it’s hard not to be moved by its message of self-acceptance, and very few songs sound quite as exciting blaring from a float on a Pride parade. An imperfect anthem, but an anthem nonetheless...
Japan had either failed to qualify or been banned from World Cups until their first qualification, in 1998. They celebrated with an energetic addition to the best football songs of all time: a slice of electronica about as calm as a Roy Keane tackle. “Together Now” was a collaboration bet...
17: I Want To Break Free (1984) John Deacon’s catchy pop song “I Want To Break Free” was caught in a controversy surrounding its promotional video. All the band members dressed in drag for the clip, a concept proposed by Taylor to parody the long-running British television soap series...