Also ranks #2 on Musical Movies With The Best Songs 8 The Lion King Matthew Broderick, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones 75 votes In The Lion King, a young lion prince named Simba (voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas when young and Matthew Broderick as an adult) is destined to become king of...
Filled with catchy songs and endearing anthropomorphic characters such as Robin Hood himself portrayed as a cunning fox, this G-rated classic transports viewers young and old alike into Sherwood Forest for daring escapades alongside Maid Marian, Little John, Friar Tuck, and other iconi...
along with a selection of hidden gems among YouTube’s official selection of free movies (you have to really dig to find them among a lot of straight-to-DVD titles and knock-offs). We’ve divided these movies into two sections: the 25 best free movies on You...
“Spot the lookalike” is the premise of this spoof documentary-style video which parodies Band Aid’s “Do They Know It’s Christmas.” It features 29 celebrity doppelgangers; from David Bowie to Missy Elliott. AlthoughPulp‘s Jarvis Cocker is also represented by an impersonator, he appears i...
the 65th anniversary of the Billboard Hot 100— with the chart finally having lived a full-enough life to be at retirement age, though it’s still as vital as ever and certainly nowhere near hanging it up — to take our shot at listing the 500 best pop songs since the chart’s debut...
the 65th anniversary of the Billboard Hot 100— with the chart finally having lived a full-enough life to be at retirement age, though it’s still as vital as ever and certainly nowhere near hanging it up — to take our shot at listing the 500 best pop songs since the chart’s debut...
Cheers Mark let me know what you ordered, I'm hoping for a good comment turnout on this seems lately anyhing I write is overlooked. I'm up to nealy 80 parodies inside of 7 months. Come on now AMIRIGHT'rs a bit of feedback would be tidy once in a while ...
Plus, the songs are catchy AF. WATCH NOW 66. Zoolander View full post on Youtube It's so dumb and great, and I love it so much. Stupid movies are the best movies and this is the crème de la crème of idiocy. It doesn't hurt that the top-notch cast is all working at 11; I...
whose strategy to improve their own miserable existence involves the literal consumption of these joyous creatures. Featuring original music by Timberlake andGwen Stefani,Trollsis a family-friendly romp and natural serotonin booster — but be warned: You'll need bleach to remove these songs from the...