A timeless tale of triumph over adversity, Dumbo tells the heartwarming story of a young circus elephant ridiculed for his exceptionally large ears. As he discovers his hidden ability to fly, audiences are treated to some of Disney’s most cherished songs while witnessing the unforgettable friendsh...
The Best Country Songs From the 50s The 65 Best TV Shows Set In The '50s, Ranked The Best '50s Space Movies, Ranked Pictures of 1950s Greasers That Prove The Stereotypes Are True The Best 1950s Monster Movies The Best '50s Spy Movies, Ranked The Best 1950s TV Dramas, Ranked The Bes...
7 in G flat M 1:08:51 2024.05.21 【Classical Tunes】凡尔赛宫廷音乐|纯粹的巴洛克情调精华 49:39 2024.05.20 【Classical Tunes】叙事曲精选|纯古典音乐 1:12:45 2024.05.20 【Classical Tunes】(一小时版本)孟德尔颂- 无言歌(G小调第一号威尼斯船歌) Mendelssohn Songs wit 1:08:57 2024.05.18 【...
Hear all the best new various album releases and their best songs each week at New Releases Now. Get free streams of all the best new music in one place!
In a cooler alternate universe, Brian De Palma’s satirical riff on thePhantom of the Operamyth would be aRocky Horror Picture Show-level midnight phenomenon. Paul Williams (who wrote most of the songs for this cult musical) stars as a diabolical producer whose plans to opens a new concert...
Album of the day (#5106): Seventeen Seconds by The... (Forum:Music) "Today's album of the day Seventeen Seconds by The Cure (View album | Buy this album) Year: 198..." Fromalbummasteron 4 hours ago Your MP3 player on shuffle: first 30 songs to come... (Forum:Music) ...
Yves Montand was an enormously popular singer in France, his adopted country, from the 1940s until his death. He also gave concerts around the world, but he was better-known internationally as an actor.Montand was born Ivo Livi on October 13, 1921, in the village of Monsummano Alto in th...
and "Half as Much" convinced Columbia Records that the time was right for her first LP, on which the rising star was paired with a faltering labelmate, trumpeter and bandleader Harry James, on an album consisting of eight of the 18 songs that won the Academy Award between 1934 and 1951....
专辑名:The Best of the Big Bands 歌手:Doris Day 发行时间:1940-11-28 简介:Sixteen songs recorded by Doris Day as featured vocalist with Les Brown and his band between November 1940 and September 1946 -- although Day's two biggest hits, "Sentimental Journey" and "My Dreams Are Getting Bett...