The biographical drama Walk the Line chronicles the rise of legendary singer Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix) from his early Arkansas origins to his remarkable success in the music industry. June Carter (Reese Witherspoon), a fellow musician, plays an instrumental role in Cash's life, both professio...
Synopsis: A tender and sweeping story about what roots us, Minari follows a Korean-American family that moves to a tiny Arkansas... [More] Starring: Steven Yeun, Han Ye-ri, Youn Yuh-jung, Will Patton Directed By: Lee Isaac ChungThe...
Also ranks #4 on The Best Movies About Making An Escape 8 Walk the Line Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, Ginnifer Goodwin 91 votes The biographical drama Walk the Line chronicles the rise of legendary singer Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix) from his early Arkansas origins to his remarkable succe...
Best Alaska Summer Camps | Our 2025 Best Alaska Camps Directory includes information on some of the Best Day and Overnight Summer Camps in Alaska, including: Teen Summer Camps, Alaska Art Camps, Alaska Music and Band Camps, Alaska Computer and Technology
No. 21: "Arkansas" There are a few rockers on this list of Chris Stapleton’s top songs, but none rip as hard as “Arkansas.” You long for a road trip when you hear this beater from 8. "When the Stars Come Out" UMG Nashville ...
s endorsement during the 2004 election cycle of a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage, after all. But there’s something about the casual confidence with which the self-described ‘fat, feminist lesbian from Arkansas’ introduces herself in this lo-fi come-on from the band’s ...
While Allen Toussaint wrote the song about his memories of trips to rural Louisiana, Campbell instantly thought of his own roots, growing up in Delight, Arkansas. Campbell’s version included one of the most unforgettable melodies in country or pop history, complete with a guitar riff that the...
pride year in music 2022 Want to know what everyone in the music business is talking about? Get in the know on Visit Billboard Pro for music business news Where to Stream 'Wicked' Online Why Blue Ivy’s Christmas Day Performance With Mom Beyoncé Was a Major ‘Steppingstone’ in Her Care...
Many of Stapleton's best songs are deep — but then again, some of them are lighthearted, blues-influenced tracks about running out of weed. No. 21: "Arkansas" Adam Hagy, Getty Images No. 21: "Arkansas" UMG Nashville No. 20: "When the Stars Come Out" ...
A Mississippi Police Officer Has Been Suspended Without Pay After a Chase That Led to 3 Deaths A Mississippi police officer whose pursuit ended in a crash that killed three people has been suspended from duty without pay Associated PressJan. 11, 2025...