Set in the '80s, the film explores the singer's rise to superstardom and her abusive relationship with her husband Ike Turner, capturing the essence of the decade's music scene and providing a compelling, inspirational narrative. Actors: Angela Bassett, Laurence Fishburne, Vanessa...
Netflix Mexico’s ‘Dark Desire’ revolves around a law professor named Alma (Maite Perroni), who is married to a highly respected judge, Leonardo (Jorge Poza). The passion between them has dried out in recent years, with Alma suspecting her husband of infidelity. Her life takes a sudden ...
We Value Your Privacy We use cookies to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage & personalize content to provide social media features and to improve our marketing efforts. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. By click...
Husband and Wife in the Running for Best Actor and Best Actress Titles as Bafta Cymru Reveals Nominations for Latest Awards; Cerys Matthews and Aled Jones Will Host the Event
My husband didn't care for my playing. I made the mistake of telling him I wanted to give a recital, and he just laughed. He said I wasn't as good as I thought I was. That sort of took the wind out of my for:喜欢recital /rɪ'saɪt(ə)l/:(通常是一个人的)...
Hoping to forge a future on their own terms, Veronica joins forces with the other three women to pull off a heist that her husband was planning. Released: 2018 Directed by: Steve McQueen Also ranks #3 on The Best Female Leading Movies Of 2018 Also ranks #10 on The Best Black Heist...
As Berry delves into the dynamics between Gracie and her husband Joe (Charles Melton), she discovers the frailties in their marriage. This journey uncovers a trove of long-buried secrets that threaten to break the couple apart. Genre: DramaRotten Tomatoes score: 90%Stars: Natalie Portman, ...
"Daddy Come and Get Me" by Dolly Parton View full post on Youtube This 1981 ballad, which tells the story of a woman pleading for her dad after her husband commits infidelity and checks her into a mental institution, shows that no matter how old you get, you're never too old to need...
He's Not My Husband... #1 (Cuckold Hotwife Husband Erotica) C Howler 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Erotica: cuckold hotwifemfm threesomesperm competitionsperm warsCuckold" is an Old English word for a man whose wife has sex with other men. "Cuckold" has fallen out ... SM Block - American ...
The Sugarhill Gang, named for the label she co-owned with her husband, Joe, had no ties to the New York hip-hop scene, but with some help from Cold Crush Brothers’ Grandmaster Caz’s rhyme book, they laid out 14 minutes of silly stories and ingratiating style to a re-creation of...