Norman Lear, the legendary television producer who created groundbreaking series such as "The Jeffersons" and "All in the Family," was surrounded by his family before he died of natural causes Tuesday at his home in Los Angeles. Dr. Jon LaPook, son-in-law of Lear and...
The franchise about Count Dracula (Adam Sandler) and his troublemaking son-in-law (Andy Samberg) just ended in early 2022 with Hotel Transylvania: Transformania, but it feels like this series won’t really go away. There will still be people who love these films, and the first two are ...
Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has always fantasized about traveling into outer space, but is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior "in-valid." He decides to fight his fate by purchasing the genes of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), a laboratory-engineered "valid." He assumes Jerome's ...
Hi, I'm Louise, 26 year old, first time mum, living in leafy Surrey. I started my blog primarily to document my son's life and my journey through parenting, as well as incorporating our family adventures.MORE Email *** Facebook Followers 459Twitter Followers 2.4KInstagram...
Unsurprisingly, Love takes the law into his own hands and assembles his crack team of gunslingers to stop that from happening. A stylized, gun-toting action flick that's somewhat predictable in its makeup, The Harder They Fall will have you whooping and hollering at the screen regularly. ...
Watch This Show If You Love: The Wire, The Night Of, American Crime, Law & Order: True Crime, SouthlandWhy Should I Stream? Journey through America's flawed criminal justice system with 61st Street –an upcoming legal drama from award-winning writer Peter Moffat that tackles timely themes ...
In the second part of the Spider-Verse saga, Miles is grown up, but he's struggling to balance his life as Brooklyn's web-slinger with his studies and being a good son to his parents. After a visit from Gwen (Spider-Woman in her universe), Miles becomes tangled up with a daunting ...
naive Catholic — all of whom are brothers-in-law, and all of whom become entangled to various degrees in a con game, the victims of which are led to believe that the Pope (Leo XIII, at the time) has been kidnapped, replaced with an imposter, and incarcerated underneath the Vatican. ...
It was a hit because of the clash of styles between the on-screen personas of Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro as the father-in-law from Hell. Meet the Parents watch on netflix The Mitchells vs. the Machines Year: 2021Runtime: 1h 53mDirectors: Mike Rianda and Jeff Rowe Originally ...
He goes toe to toe with the local law enforcement, which ends up finding him forced to delve into a small-town conspiracy with a mysterious background. In the end, he'll have to take down police chief Burnne (Don Johnson) if he wants the town to ever go back to the thriving ...