Find and compare the 2025 best Mental Health software for Mac, using our interactive tool to quickly narrow your choices based on businesses like yours.
$449.99 for a lifetime membership User Satisfaction Happify’s reviews are largely positive, with many users sharing that the app’s gamified approach to mental health helped them get “unstuck” when they were in a rut. Some users reported that Happify’s personalized features allowed them to ...
Find the top Mental Health software of 2025 on Capterra. Based on millions of verified user reviews - compare and filter for whats important to you to find the best tools for your needs.
The importance ofself-careis a driving force behind what makes this app tick… and a big part of why it’s been ranked among the most popular for the past two years. The creators don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all solution to mental health. That is why they encourage users to ex...
Mindshine: Mental Health Coach Best for: (Mental) Fitness fanatics Mindshine promises short-term hacks for long-term, positive mindset changes. Commit to one of the month-long training plans to truly master your mental fitness. Whether your goal is to become more resilient, boost your confidenc...
Unlike other best mobile apps for mental health apps on this list, this software gives you a unique chance to interact with a therapist. Moreover, you are supported round the clock. Most apps on that list are just digital assistants. Here, you have a real person who interacts and works ...
Just having someone who will listen to and decode all your concerns in relationships, with family, at work, or generally in life (because hey, it's hard) can be extremely helpful for your mental health. The only problem is...therapy can be expensive, and not everyone has health ...
Types of Healthcare Software for Scheduling Not all healthcare software is created equal, and no business can get by using only one kind of software. To simplify your search, it’s best to think of healthcare scheduling software as falling into one or more of the following four buckets. ...
Making the Most of Mental Health Apps for Children Mental health isn't exclusive to adults; it affects kids, too. Cultivating a healthy mindset from an early age prepares kids to lead better lives as adults. As a parent, guardian, or caregiver, engaging with young people about their mental...
“The initial months atcollegepresented challenges,” Morel says. “Academic pressure, adapting to a new culture and the experience of living alone for the first time – this really took a toll on my mental health.” Some colleges discuss these services before students set foot on ca...