90. The Rookie Manager | Personal Finance Blog Kenya Blog https://www.rookie-manager.com/category/perso.. + Follow Blog The aim of this blog is to simplify personal finance. I write about budgeting, personal finance, management and doing business in Kenya, in a way that everyone will und...
67. Watamu Treehouse – Watamu, Kenya Kenya's best-kept secret is the Watamu Treehouse. The resort is located on Watamu Beach, and it's built high amongst the treetops offering an unreal view of the Indian Ocean coastline. Rooftop sunsets come with a view over the vast jungle and bea...
Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, was born in 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. But as soon as Obama began his campaign for president in 2008, "birthers" began to circulate the conspiracy theory that Obama had actually been born in Kenya, the country of his father. They arg...